Cape Henry Beach Replenishment – Truck Haul To Begin Feb. 10th

Cape Henry Beach Replenishment – Truck Haul

The Lynnhaven Inlet dredge work and beach replenishment of Cape Henry Beach as performed by Cottrell Engineering Corporation under the contract with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers was completed from Lesner Bridge to just east of Ships Watch Court.

Public Works is expecting to continue beach replenishing on February 10, between areas from where the inlet dredge work was completed and First Landing State Park. As much as 50,000 cubic yards of beach sand materials is expected for truck haul from the Maple Street area.  Launching of the truck haul project was a consequence of Virginia Marine Resources Commission’s approval of a permit modification to allow truck haul onto Cape Henry Beach at the City’s request. The truck haul project is anticipated to take place until the middle of March.

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